Being the Presence of Christ...
At NABC, we seek to be the presence of Christ in our city, the Bay Area, and around the world through service and partnerships. In San Francisco, members serve at Martin de Porres soup kitchen the first Saturday of the month. We serve our neighbors through partnerships with Jefferson Elementary and Wah Mei School. We are a “Church of the Nations” as we partner with four other local congregations through sharing the sanctuary and other spaces. In the Bay Area, we are blessed to partner with Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) Field Personnel, Rick and Lita Sample. Alongside Rick and Lita, we serve the Bay Area Karen Baptist Church in a number of ways. Our connection with CBF West and CBF Global allows us to be the presence of Christ in our nation and around the world. We continually follow the leading of the Spirit as we seek to be the presence of Christ to those among us.