Rick and Lita Sample
Rick and Lita Sample are CBF missionaries serving international and refugee communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Being the presence of Christ, they work in these communities through building relationships, ethnic church ministry, refugee assistance, evangelism and outreach.
Joel & Tiffne Whitley
Kindsbach, Germany
Welcome to the Whitley’s Banana Boat Blog!
For years our newsletter has been called the “banana boat update” because when Tiffne first became interested in doing missions it was the joke that she would catch the next banana boat out. Well, now the banana boat has brought us to Germany! Thank you for keeping up with us, and for praying for us. You can continue to e-mail us at twhitley.mt@gmail.com.
Follow this link to the Banana Boat Blog to see recent pictures, prayer requests, and updates about what is going on with the Whitleys in Germany!