
We have a preschool “program” when we have children in that age group. All babies and toddlers who come our way are welcomed and loved by responsible adults who provide safe, gentle, experienced care for them.

Children’s Ministries (K-5th grade)

As parents, we all know the joys and challenges of raising kids in today’s world. It is our church’s hope and desire to come alongside and support you in any way we can on this unique journey of nurturing our children.

Friday Friends is our children’s fellowship that meets regularly from 6-8PM.

During our Friday gatherings, our teachers and staff work to provide a safe atmosphere where each child begins to know and appreciate his or her infinite worth and unique personality as God has created him or her to be. Through sharing meals, engaging Bible stories, and participating in fun, hands-on learning activities, we offer the children a chance to see their lives in the bigger story of how much God loves them. We also seek to build community together and teach the children about building healthy friendships, treating others with kindness and respect, and dealing with problems like bullying, peer pressure, and homework challenges, to name a few.

As Christians, we at NABC affirm that a relationship with Jesus has blessed our lives with love, joy, meaning and purpose. Knowing God personally is a wonderful adventure to explore, and it is something that is offered to everyone freely. But we also want you to know that as the children learn about God and Jesus through the Bible stories, they will never be coerced or manipulated to believe. Our church feels strongly that each person must decide for himself or herself in matters of faith, and so we teach accordingly.


9:45am   Coffee & Prayer

10:00am     Bible Study 

11:10am   Worship


1370 19th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122

CONTACT (Mailing address)

1367 18th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122

Office: 415-564-7721      Fax: 415-564-7786

 Copyright 2024, Nineteenth Avenue Baptist Church, San Francisco, CA  |  Site by Faithlab