Season of Lent
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Season of Lent
As of yesterday, Ash Wednesday, we (the worldwide Church) are in the season of Lent. Here's a great description of what Lent is and how we acknowledge and practice it.
"The season of Lent begins with the observance of Ash Wednesday and ends the day before Easter Sunday. This forty day season (the Sundays are not counted in the forty) is a time to reflect on one's journey of faith, to examine our relationships, and to become a part of the story of Jesus' journey to Jerusalem and the cross.
Like Advent, Lent is a contemplative season. A time of preparation for Easter, Lent if often regarded as a penitential season when we examine our lives and repent or gain a new perspective or path forward. Christians often take up special spiritual practices during Lent such as fasting and observing extra times of Sabbath, study, and prayer, The popular practice of "giving up something" for Lent really has nothing to do with exercising one's self-control. Rather, it is a way to make space in our regular routines to allow God to do something new in our lives." (from
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